
Kansas City & Global

Renewing Confidence While Living With A Disability

Five ways you can set new goals and start fresh this spring

Springtime brings the promise of renewal and rejuvenation, a perfect opportunity to shake off the winter blues and pop out fresh. As a person with a disability, it’s common to face challenges that can impact your confidence. However, spring offers the opportunity to create new spaces for yourself to give yourself love and fresh energy. Consider these adaptive health and wellness tips for renewing confidence and taking the “dis” out of disabled as the weather welcomes us back outside:

Embrace the Season:

Spring can be a great opportunity to embrace the beauty of nature and enjoy the renewal of life. Flowers are blooming, the weather is warming and our days are longer. The more exposure to natural sunlight you have, the more it boosts your mental health. We can touch and interact with the Earth and our communities in many ways.

As outdoor spaces are becoming more adaptable, it’s easier for people with mobility aids to move around more freely. Spring is the optimal time to promote independence and increased happiness.


Challenge Negative Self-Talk:

Negative self-talk can hinder confidence for anyone who may face additional challenges in their daily life. Focus on your strengths and achievements. Start by identifying your inner thoughts — thoughts that are critical or defeatist. Reframe them.

You are capable, You are worthy, You are deserving of love and acceptance

Practice self-care, discover a new hobby, help someone else. These are all positive ways to boost your self-esteem. Disabled But Not Really aspires to help the vulnerable develop a limitless mindset. Our Help Me Fit program provides you the support and motivation you need to improve your mental and physical health.


Set Small Goals:

Success breeds confidence. Setting small, specific goals can be a powerful way to renew confidence. Take a new class or learning a new skill. Setting small, achievable goals can help build confidence and lead to bigger accomplishments.

For example: Disabled But Not Really recently opened our new gym to provide adaptive health training for people with disabilities. We started with small goals then continued to build and scale until we were finally able to open our own space. We now have an inclusive gym model that enables those with disabilities to work out alongside their loved ones.

Setting and achieving small goals often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. Each time you push yourself beyond your comfort zone and accomplish a goal, it builds confidence in your ability. Don’t forget to celebrate your small wins. Recognizing your efforts and successes, no matter how small, can boost your confidence by affirming your worth and capabilities.


Reach Out to Support Systems:

Having a strong support system can be essential to renewing confidence. Reaching out to people who understand and can offer encouragement can make a big difference. Disabled But Not Really prides itself on connecting our clients to resources to help them live more empowered and abled lives. Here are few we work with:

  1. Ability KC builds brighter futures for children and adults with disabilities by providing educational, vocational and therapeutic services.
  2. Variety KC is a volunteer organization committed to providing children with developmental disabilities the adaptive equipment and opportunities needed for activity and inclusion.
  3. The Whole Person offers a broad range of services to people with disabilities to increase their ability to perform daily activities. 
  4. Mid-America Rehab provides quality services in an affordable manner, allowing patients to realize and maintain wellness.
  5. Marc A. Asher, MD, Comprehensive Spine Center at The University of Kansas Health System treats everything from back pain to sports injuries to spinal defects. They offer the most comprehensive spine care for adults and children.


Embrace Your Unique Qualities:

Every person has unique qualities that make them special. People with disabilities are no exception. There’s more to you than your physical ability. What are your strengths?

Surrounding yourself with people who can provide positive feedback, constructive criticism and validate your unique qualities can often help you recognize those things that make you special. Check out our adaptive athlete bios for inspiration from the DBNR community, many of whom have been in your shoes.


Springtime offers a perfect opportunity to renew confidence and embrace positive change. Remember, every day is a new beginning, and springtime offers the perfect chance to start fresh.

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